Sunday, 30 November 2008

Quiet Weekend

I had intended to keep the mileage up this week but I have decided to listen to my body for once and take things a little easy. Didn't run Friday or Saturday and only ran 6m or so this evening. Legs have been giving me a few signs here and there of being under some stress and it was this time of year I injured my knee last year by not listening to my body. Also after last weekend's 45m run and a chest infection, I figured a rest might be advisable!

A nice (albeit freezing) run up to Clifton on trail and road. Glad I've been sensble. Will run 10m tomorrow, 6m on Tuesday, 6 on Wednesday and 7 on Thursday. Then a reasonable weekend with some running (maybe 18 on Saturday) and some cycling on Sunday with Iain.

Happy Days.

Listening to: Chinese Democracy byGuns n Roses

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