Thursday 30 August 2007

Training Outlook

I sat up until 2am this morning devising a training programme for the coming months, sorting out races I can enter to use as training runs etc. I think I've got it sorted.

My training is loosely broken up into four 'phases':

Phase 1 - assessment and foundation phase: This will last from now until mid December and will be a period of seeing where I am and working on building a good solid foundation for when the training demands increase.

Phase 2 - increasing mileage: This is the period when I begin to boost the mileage.

Phase 3 - high mileage: This is the peak of the training programme.

Phase 4 - taper: This is when the mileage eases off to prepare for the race.

My weekly schedule will look something like this:

Mon Cross Training (either swimming or cycling)
Tue Club run of 6+ miles
Wed Tempo run or Hill reps
Thu Club run of 6+ miles
Fri REST :)
Sat 8 miles+ (early on) and long run (later phase)
Sun Long Run of up to 30 miles with one training run 'race' of 53 miles

I will try to be as flexibile as possible with this routine, but this is what I am aiming for. Besides this I will do three weekly sessions of upper body strength training (as I'm a bit weedy in that department) and a couple of hill walks a week.

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